The Do’s and Dont’s of hand washing stations

Frequent hand-washing is one of the best ways to avoid getting sick and spreading illness and viruses such as the coronavirus. You may spread these germs to others or infect yourself by touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. While keeping your hands germ-free is impossible, washing them often will help limit the spread of bacteria, viruses, and other microbes. You must understand when to wash your hands, how to use hand sanitizer properly, and how to instill the habit in your children.

Do's and Don'ts of hand washing stations

The Do’s. Always wash your hands thoroughly under clean running water and soap before and after preparing and consuming food, using the toilet, touching an animal, blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing, treating wounds or caring for a sick person and many more activities which involves touching with bare hands. Do cover all surfaces of the hands, including the front and back. Then, dry hands thoroughly with an air dryer or clean paper towel or just leave them air-dry. To ensure proper hand washing and prevent rushing, suggest washing hands for as long as it takes to sing the “Happy Birthday” song twice.

The Don’ts. Do not wash your hands with hot water. Hot water hasn’t been proven to kill more germs, and it also causes skin to chap, making it more vulnerable to bacteria. Over-the-counter antibacterial soaps are no more effective at killing germs than is regular soap. Either way, do not forget to use soap. Don’t skip hand washing if soap and running water are not available. Instead, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

COVID-19 and other germs and viruses can be acquired anywhere, anytime, and to anyone. Make a step ahead on preventing them from spreading.

This is the perfect time to tap Shep Boys waste management. It is a service company that provides its customers with environmentally friendly and legally acceptable waste management services and goods such as modern and comfortable portable restrooms, hand wash stations, holding tanks, and many other rentals to construction sites, real estate development, remodeling, universities, retail centers, special events, disaster relief efforts, and other industries can all benefit from our amenities. Give us a call or stop by offices in different cities around Texas.

Do not compromise your safety by making hand washing a habit with Shep boys.